Skillful Means – Rays of Sanity In Dark Times

Rarely do we hear the story of dharma heroes and heroines, who conquered the cause of war altogether by finding impeccable awareness. The telling of that story is up to us – we must live it and be it in a world that has largely lost sight of skillful means as a possibility. We must do our best to bring whatever rays of sanity we can to dark times. Because the way of aggression permeates our cultural mind-set, our training must be thorough and constant, interwoven with our daily lives. Because the way of aggression has been our past habit and is so easy to fall back on, our training must be vigorous and inspiring. We are called to a way of being that is beyond brute force – the path of skillful engagement on the uneasy ground of real life circumstances.

~ Pema Khandro

Pema Khandro is a Tibetan Buddhist scholar, humanitarian, and teacher in the rare lineage of Tibet’s Buddhist Yogis. Raised in the west, ordained in the Nyingma lineage, enthroned as a tulku and trained as an academic, Pema Khandro presents both a traditional perspective and a modern voice. Read more at:
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  1. Thank you so much Pema Khandro! This is beautiful, poignant, and inspiring. It hit the heart of what I needed to hear and face in the midst of my own dark times, as anger and confusion continue to arise and overwhelm me. I cannot thank you enough!!!

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